In February 2016, Jean MacEachern and Rudy Rumpel visited Monteverde in Costa Rica, bringing a kindly donation of soccer uniforms from Calgary Blizzard Soccer Club. The material was shared between The Monteverde Girls Soccer Team and The Chomes Soccer team in the Puntarenas province, who lack any type of sponsorship and self-manage with basically whatever they come across. The girls team enjoyed both the gentle visit and the generous donation, which gave them even more self-confidence and ensure them a better performance for times to come.
For the last 3 years, The Monteverde Girls Soccer Team has been coached by Egdar Arce Lagos, and it´s divided into 2 divisions, U10 and U13. So far they have only been to regional tournaments due to the total absence of sponsors, which limits them in terms of transportation expenses. However, they could play state or even national tournaments, which is remarkable since this is the first girls team in all history of Monteverde. It´s a challenging reality that while many girls would like to play, some traditional customs and stereotypes still affect the potential this project shows, just by looking at everyone’s smile in the field.